KATAKLYSM: Sayreville Performance Footage Available

August 9, 2008

Metal Injection has posted video footage of KATAKLYSM's June 28, 2008 performance at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, New Jersey. Watch the clips below.

"Prevail", the most recent CD by KATAKLYSM, has been nominated for "Album Of The Year" in the "Metal/Hardcore" category at the Quebec Indie Music Awards (GAMIQ),an awards show that recognizes achievements by Quebec independent artists. The event is produced by the Quebec Independent Music Association which is also behind the Montreal International Music Initiative (MIMI).

Independent and indie Quebec albums released between June 1, 2007 and May 31, 2008 were eligible for the GAMIQ 2008. Nominees were decided by a jury (more than 200 people) made up of journalists (newspaper, radio, TV, web),venues and festival bookers, record store owners, and cultural organization members throughout the province of Quebec, both francophones and anglophones. The vote from the jury counted for 100% of the final vote.

Results of the first round are reset and the jury votes again, this time to vote for the best in each category. But the vote from the jury will only count for 50% of the final vote for the second round. The other 50% will be determined by the public who will have the possibility to vote for the winner in this category at www.gamiq.ca, starting Wednesday, August 6, 2008 through Saturday, September 6 2008 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern. The public vote and jury vote will be combined and the winner in the various categories will be the ones who receive the highest average. Only one vote per person will be accepted during the voting period. Each person must sign up on the website and then wait for an e-mail approval before being able to vote. The e-mail address from the voter will allow the GAMIQ committee to ensure that everybody voted only once.

Winners will be announced during an awards show hosted by the actor RĂ©mi-Pierre Paquin on Sunday, September 21, 2008 at the Corona Theatre (2408 W. Notre-Dame Street) in Montreal.

Metal/Hardcore Album Of The Year nominees:

TEARS FOR THE SKY - "Boredomville II"
MENACE RUINE - "Cult of Ruins"
KOSMOS - "Kosmos"
ION DISSONANCE - "Minus The Herd"
KATAKLYSM - "Prevail"


"Chronicles of the Damned":

"Like Angels Weeping":

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